Keep Calm and Culture On

BHM For The Win!

CeLillianne Green, D.C. Poet
Poet and friend of Serengeti Gallery, CeLillianne Green is Perfectly Black!

Black History Month Challenges For Over-Achievers, And The Rest of Us.

Are you ready to end Black History Month with a slam dunk?  We challenge you to take your best shot at the challenges below. Give it a try then send a reply, letting us know how far you got!

We list the challenges from simple to complex and also include an “ain’t nobody got time for that” option (Option 2) for each of the challenges. Ready? Set. Go Black or Go Home!

CHALLENGE #1 – Chicken Again?!

Option 1. Patronize a black-owned food establishment.
Option 2. Prepare a nutritious meal at home.

CHALLENGE #2 – Vibe with Your Tribe

Option 1. Stream Descendant (on Netflix), featuring Kamau Sadiki. Look out for Sadiki’s scene with art from your favorite gallery in the background. [We made it, y’all!]
Option 2. Sign up for our emails (at the bottom of this page) so you can watch the stream of Sadiki’s presentation at Serengeti when it is released (soon).

Vibe with your tribe - get togethers at the Gallery

CHALLENGE #3 – Write A Letter

Option 1. Mail a hand-written a letter to your friend. It doesn’t have to be lengthy.
Option 2. Write a letter to yourself. Be kind.
Check-out some Kisasi Ramsess’ black superhero notecards.

5 X 7 Nipsey Hussle notecard, with art by Ramsess.

CHALLENGE #4 – Wear & Share

Option 1. Wear an item that puts you in an African state-of-mind. If someone comments, share the story of the item.
Option 2. Wear something Africa-inspired and post it to your social media.

Learn more about Krobo Beads!

CHALLENGE #5 – Geography Check

Option 1. Look over a map of the Continent and read the name of each country aloud.
Option 2. Assign this challenge to a child, then put your feet up and listen– in person or over the phone, as they do the reading. If you haven’t got all day, make it into a call and response activity.

CHALLENGE #6 – Trace and Share

Option 1. Trace your DNA. Use the results to conduct 10-minutes of research on your primary country of origin. Learn 2 words or phrases from the region. Finally, share the findings with your people. 
Option 2. Choose any African/black country or territory that intrigues you. Conduct 10-minutes of research. Do something with what you learned. We’ll let you pick.

**Bonus Challenge**

Visit Serengeti Gallery. Allow yourself to gravitate to a particular work of art. Gaze on it for 5 minutes.
Pink Lady Larry Poncho Brown
Original work by Larry Poncho Brown